When taking part in sparring a gum shield is essential. Wearing a gum shield will significantly reduce the risk of dental injuries. However, it is important to remember that no gum shield will completely eliminate the risk of injury, but this risk is significantly reduced from not wearing one at all.
To ensure that your risk of injury is minimised you need to make sure that your gum shield is comfortable to wear, fits correctly so it stays in place and is maintained. Cleaning and inspecting your gum shield between uses will help the life of your gum shield. If your gum shield is showing any signs of wear and tear, then replacement is advisable. There are an abundance of gum shields with a variety of colours, styles and prices. A basic gum shield costs around £4.50, the most expensive option is a custom made gum shield costing around £80. I have had various gum shields over the years but my favourite is my current gum shield, the Shock Doctor Gel Max Mouth Guard. I like the Shock Doctor range because they are comfortable, cool looking and a reasonable price. If you’re looking for a new gum shield, then check out the links below at some of my favourites and if you purchase through the link it helps out this site.
We have a busy weekend of Tae Kwon Do ahead of us, starting with the colour belt in Newcastle and then the English championships in Worcester. The colour belt grading is being held at Newcastle College the address is: Gordon Banks Sports Centre, Newcastle-under-Lyme College, Knutton Lane, Staffordshire, ST5 2GB. The grading will start at 11am and all grades need to be there ready to start at this time please. Because of the grading there is no training at Whitchurch on Saturday (24th March,) training at Whitchurch will resume on Saturday 31st March. On Sunday 25th March we are heading to the university of Worcester for the 2018 English Championships where we have students competing and officiating. The running order is below, so you can see which area you will be competing on. All competitors to arrive by 9.00 am. Reports are coming in about long delays in Worcester city center. To make sure you arrive on time and are ready to compete in your event. Please see the map below which shows a route in blue which comes in from the west to miss the city centre road works. Good luck to all our students that are grading and competing this weekend, enjoy your weekend of Tae Kwon Do.
This weekend see’s the start of the April 2018 black belt grading process with the mock grading in Belper, Derbyshire. We have two students taking part and I would like to wish them the best of luck.
The details of the mock grading are below. Start time: 13.00 Please make sure you arrive there in plenty of time. Venue: Belper Leisure Centre, John O'Gaunts Way, Belper DE56 0DA. |
AuthorCarl Rudolf Archives
June 2024