Why Set Goals? Setting precise, well-defined goals can help you measure and take pride in the achieving of those goals and you will see forward growth in what may have earlier appeared a lengthy hard slog. You will grow as a person raising your self-assurance, recognizing your own ability and capability in achieving the goals you set for yourself. Some of the most successful people, elite athletes, businesspeople and high achievers in a variety of fields set goals. When you set yourself goals or targets it gives you a long term vision and short term inspiration. It concentrates your attainment of knowledge and helps you organize your precious time so that you can make the most of your life. Deciding on the right goals for you When deciding on which goals are best for you it’s often worth discussing this with a mentor, instructor, coach or manager. They can provide advice suggesting reasonable effective goals that will challenge you but are realistic and motivate you. How to Set Goals
AuthorCarl Rudolf Archives
June 2024