North midlands Area Championships Success On Sunday 2nd we had students competing in the North Midlands Area Championships in Derby Arena. The competition saw over 400 people from across the country competing in a mixture of events. We had students competing in patterns, sparring, team sparring and strike pad power tests. Results: Rory Tinsley won gold in Boys strike pad power test, hand technique, middle weight. Sam Fielding received gold in Boys strike pad power test, hand technique, heavy weight and Bronze in boy red belt patterns. Chris Southan competed in men’s heavy weight strike pad power test. Dexter McArdle – the group's youngest competitor – competed in boy’s blue belt patterns and boys blue belt sparring. Matt Hanks competed in men’s green belt sparring and men’s middle weight power test. Dan Valentine received bronze in men’s blue belt patterns and men’s heavy weight blue belt sparring. Lily Ryder won gold in girl’s green belt tag team sparring and bronze in girl’s green belt sparring. Rebecca Manford competed in lady’s black belt patterns and also helped in umpiring at the event. We even made the local news, to check out the article follow the link below. Once again it was another very successful competition for Whitchurch, Malpas and Oswestry Tae Kwon Do and lots of experience gained. So far this year every competition we have entered we have returned with medals, Well done to everyone that took part and keep up the good work.
AuthorCarl Rudolf Archives
June 2024