Who or what is The Taekwondo Professor? The Taekwondo Professor is an online Tae Kwon Do training platform for everybody.
Learning Tae Kwon Do with the Professor is a fun and engaging way to learn to practice your favourite Martial Art! With detailed diagrams, pictograms, photos & quizzes to help what you learn to stick. Over the years I have successfully guided many students to achieve their personal goals, black belt, regional, national and even international titles. learn Tae Kwon Do with The Taekwondo Professor. Supplement your Tae Kwon Dotraining with professional & engaging learning content.The Taekwondo Professor makes it easy to learn Theory & Practical ready for your next Grading! Get your Tae Kwon Do fighting fit, ready for your grading. Theory is an important part of Tae Kwon Do and The Taekwondo Professor will help assist you in preparation for your grading. Learn Tae Kwon Do techniques and patterns in detail. High quality pictures, videos and detailed diagrams will guide you along your Tae Kwon Do journey. Get started with a free 7 day trail with the link below. https://www.tkdprof.com//signup/
Sunday 5th May 2019
Schedule is as follows, 01.00pm - 02.30pm black belts 1st & 2nd Dans. 02.30pm - 04.00pm black belts 3rd Dans + 04.00pm - 05.00pm red belts (red belts only, no catch ups for black belts). All of the above at Derby Arena, Royal Way, Derby DE24 8JB. Please remember students need to bring their licence with a current licence slip attached & £7. I have been informed that there will be limited parking for the first session due to Derby playing that day so please get there early to make sure can park! Red belts and black stripes, please remember, you must attend the compulsory red belt training sessions every six months to be eligible to take further gradings. You will need to be registered to attend these sessions so please let me know which session(s) you will be attending.
The next sessions are: Sunday 7th April, 14.30 to 16.00 - Derby Arena, Royal Way, Derby DE24 8JB. THIS SESSION ALLOWS ANY STUDENT FROM 2ND KUP TO 4TH DAN TO ATTEND AS A CATCH UP. Sunday 5th May, 16.00 to 17.00 - Derby Arena, Royal Way, Derby DE24 8JB. THIS SESSION IS FOR RED BELTS ONLY, BOTH 2ND & 1ST KUPS. Don’t forget to take your licence to be signed. Jack from the Oswestry Advertiser came to visit us at the end of last year to write an article on Tae Kwon Do.
His article can be found here. We have made it into the local news papers with our success this year. You can read the articles below. Oswestry AdvertizerOswestry Life Magazine
Finding the perfect gift for someone who is into martial arts can be difficult, there is an array of products but sometimes they are overpriced, not suitable or both. I have selected some of my favourite items that are tried and tested and some that are on my wish list. If you do purchase any of these items please use the links below, it helps this site if you do.
One of the first items I selected and have talked about before is a book called A Killing Art by Alex Gillis. This book talks about the history of Tae Kwon Do, General Choi and how Tae Kwon Do came about. If you want to further your knowledge of Tae Kwon Do I would recommend this book highly and there is a new revised edition out now.
I often get asked by students, how do I improve my stretch, whats the best stretch to do, whats the quickest way improve my flexibility? Firstly there is no quick way to improve your flexibility, it takes time and lots of practise. I love assisted stretching, for me it works the best and I can really push to the limit and relax (Which is important), but if you’re practising at home and don’t have any one to assist you or training alone a stretching aid might be worth looking at. I don’t have a leg stretcher but have often thought about getting one, so it’s on my wish list. They come in all shapes, sizes and prices with entry level ones costing around £15 and higher priced items costing £250. If you happen to get a stretching machine let me know your thoughts.
After a nice warm up and stretch you might want a work out practising your Tae Kwon Do on a punch bag. There are loads of punch bags to choose from and it can be overwhelming. I have used loads of punch bags, pads etc over the years and my favourite by far is the BOB XL. It’s a high end punch bag and some of you might be put off by the price but I can’t praise it enough, I’ve had mine many years now with no problems and the children at Tae Kwon Do love it.
After a hard day of training I like to use a foam roller or massage roller. They can take a little bit of getting used to especially the massage roller if it isn’t smooth (sometimes advertised as Trigger point Therapy) but they are very useful and inexpensive.
I hope you have found this information useful and if you have any questions or would like help choosing the correct product for you or present please feel free to contact me.
If you are thinking of purchasing any of the products featured on here please follow the link provided, it helps this site if you do. Black Belt & Red Belt Training day 11th November 2018 is the last compulsory black belt training of the year. The session is being held at Belper Leisure Centre 1.00 – 3.00 pm. After the black belt session there is an extra red belt training session 3.00pm - 4.00pm. Both sessions to be run by Grand Master Sergiew. Any student attending the red belt session can register on the day approx' 1/2 hour before the start time. All students attending either session should have their licence with them to be stamped and it should be in date. Black Belt CoursesBelow is a list of the first lot of courses for black belts, please remember that form need to be in a minimum of one month before the course date so you need to start planning now. Forms are on Dropbox.
2nd February - Umpires Course Part 1 - Willenhall Community Centre 9th February - Umpires Course Part 2 - Willenhall Community Centre 10th February - Referees Course Parts 1 & 2 - Willenhall Community Centre North midlands Area Championships Success On Sunday 2nd we had students competing in the North Midlands Area Championships in Derby Arena. The competition saw over 400 people from across the country competing in a mixture of events. We had students competing in patterns, sparring, team sparring and strike pad power tests. Results: Rory Tinsley won gold in Boys strike pad power test, hand technique, middle weight. Sam Fielding received gold in Boys strike pad power test, hand technique, heavy weight and Bronze in boy red belt patterns. Chris Southan competed in men’s heavy weight strike pad power test. Dexter McArdle – the group's youngest competitor – competed in boy’s blue belt patterns and boys blue belt sparring. Matt Hanks competed in men’s green belt sparring and men’s middle weight power test. Dan Valentine received bronze in men’s blue belt patterns and men’s heavy weight blue belt sparring. Lily Ryder won gold in girl’s green belt tag team sparring and bronze in girl’s green belt sparring. Rebecca Manford competed in lady’s black belt patterns and also helped in umpiring at the event. We even made the local news, to check out the article follow the link below. http://www.bordercountiesadvertizer.co.uk/sport/16695835.tae-kwon-do-group-celebrate-success-at-championships/ Once again it was another very successful competition for Whitchurch, Malpas and Oswestry Tae Kwon Do and lots of experience gained. So far this year every competition we have entered we have returned with medals, Well done to everyone that took part and keep up the good work. On Saturday 21st July Whitchurch, Malpas and Oswestry Tae Kwon Do travelled to the Birmingham Arena for the 12th Tae Kwon Do International World Championships where over 2000 hopefuls, from every continent of the world battled to be crowned the best in the world.
Hosted by the Tae Kwon Do Association of Great Britain (TAGB), 22 countries sent their best competitors to compete in an exciting selection of events in the Tae Kwon Do World Championship. The two-day tournament saw some of the world’s best fighters, patterns technicians and destruction champions come together to battle it out for the title of World Champion. We had six students, Dexter, Rory, Daniel, Emma, Matt and Carl competing across a variety of events in this great competition. All of them put in lots of hard work, effort and training in the lead up to this event and it paid off. Well done to all of them for their tremendous effort and a huge congratulations to our medal winners, Dexter, 3rd, Boys blue belt, sparring Rory, 3rd, Boys blue belt, strike pad (power test), hand technique Emma, 2nd, Ladies, Blue belt, Strike pad (power test) Carl, 1st (World Champion) – Men’s, blue belt, strike pad (Power test) – 3rd Men’s, Blue belt, sparring – 3rd, Men’s colour bet tag team sparring. Competitions are not just about winning medals or trophies, they are also about learning, gaining experience and having fun. We had a fantastic day and cannot wait for the Scottish championships in September. Exercising in the hot weather, for me personally I love training in the hot weather, the sun puts me in a good mood for training, my body feels flexible, I know it’s going to be a hard workout and very beneficial. However, exercising in the hot weather can dangerous.
Exercising in hot weather puts extra strain on your body and If you’re not sensible and don't take care when exercising in the heat, you can risk serious illness. Exercise, the air temperature and humidity can all increase your core body temperature. To help cool itself, our bodies circulate more blood through your skin. This leaves less blood for your muscles, which will increase your heart rate. If the humidity also is high, your body faces added stress because sweat doesn't readily evaporate from your skin. That increases our core temperature even higher. So what can we do to reduce the risks of exercising in the hot weather?
Pay attention to your bodies warning signs When you are exercising during the hot weather watch out for signs and symptoms of heat related illness. If you ignore these symptoms, your condition can worsen, resulting in a medical emergency. Signs and symptoms may include:
To help lower your body temperature, remove extra clothing and/ or sparring equipment. Placing cool wet towels or ice packs on your neck, forehead and under your arms can help. Drink fluids such as water or a sports drink. If you don't feel better within about 20 minutes, seek medical assistance. We can avoid heat related illnesses by being sensible and taking some basic precautions. So when the sun is out and the temperature rises we can keep kicking. The past few weeks have been full of Tae Kwon Do action and will continue in the next few weeks too. We started at the end of May with the Welsh Championships in Cardiff, where we had five students competing, Chris, Emma, Dexter, Carl and Amelia. I would like to say a big well done to all of them for competing. It was a day of new experiences for a lot of them. It was Dexter and Amelia's first competition, Carl's first time sparring in the continuous sparring format and Chris's first time sparring in the Men's black belt heavy weight category. Congratulations to Emma who came away with third place in the woman's red belt sparring . There are lots of positives to take from their performances and areas for improvement we can work on. After the Welsh Championships all attention was focused on the up coming colour belt grading at Whitchurch. This was a very special grading for me in many different ways, but the most significant, it was our last club grading with World Mater Brian Towndrow and I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for all he has done for me personally, our clubs, the North Midlands Area and the TAGB. He will be missed greatly and I wish him all the best in the future. I feel those grading gave a strong performance, with many getting an Advanced pass so well done to all of you and it was a nice send off for Master Towndrow. Photos of the belt presentations can be found on our Facebook group. www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.10155608199595905&type=3
I would also like to thank all of the black bets that gave up their free time to help with the grading, without their help the grading would not run ass smoothly as it did so thank you!
Up and coming events
Coming up next is the World Master Minott Semiar at Whitchurch on Saturday 23rd June. I cannot recommend this seminar enough. Master Minott is a fantastic coach and a great guy. Whatever your experience you will gain something from this seminar. This event is open to all TAGB licensed, if you'd like to attend please speak to your instructor or contact me to book your place.
TI World Championships
On the 21st and 22nd July the TAGB are hosting the Tae Kwon Do International World Championships in Birmingham Arena. All information along with entry forms can be found on the World Championships website www.worlds.tkdi.biz There is no training at Malpas on Monday 28th June 2018, as the school is closed due to the Bank Holiday. Have a nice day.
Classes are running as normal the rest of the week and through the holidays.
This years TAGB Welsh Championships will be held at the University Of Wales, Cyn Coed Road,Cardiff on Sunday 20th May 2018.
There are divisions for everyone, Juniors, Cadets, Adults, Executives, Team Events and The Ultimate Striker. Entry forms can be downloaded from our Dropbox folder or see us at class for a copy.
When taking part in sparring a gum shield is essential. Wearing a gum shield will significantly reduce the risk of dental injuries. However, it is important to remember that no gum shield will completely eliminate the risk of injury, but this risk is significantly reduced from not wearing one at all.
To ensure that your risk of injury is minimised you need to make sure that your gum shield is comfortable to wear, fits correctly so it stays in place and is maintained. Cleaning and inspecting your gum shield between uses will help the life of your gum shield. If your gum shield is showing any signs of wear and tear, then replacement is advisable. There are an abundance of gum shields with a variety of colours, styles and prices. A basic gum shield costs around £4.50, the most expensive option is a custom made gum shield costing around £80. I have had various gum shields over the years but my favourite is my current gum shield, the Shock Doctor Gel Max Mouth Guard. I like the Shock Doctor range because they are comfortable, cool looking and a reasonable price. If you’re looking for a new gum shield, then check out the links below at some of my favourites and if you purchase through the link it helps out this site. We have a busy weekend of Tae Kwon Do ahead of us, starting with the colour belt in Newcastle and then the English championships in Worcester. The colour belt grading is being held at Newcastle College the address is: Gordon Banks Sports Centre, Newcastle-under-Lyme College, Knutton Lane, Staffordshire, ST5 2GB. The grading will start at 11am and all grades need to be there ready to start at this time please. Because of the grading there is no training at Whitchurch on Saturday (24th March,) training at Whitchurch will resume on Saturday 31st March. On Sunday 25th March we are heading to the university of Worcester for the 2018 English Championships where we have students competing and officiating. The running order is below, so you can see which area you will be competing on. All competitors to arrive by 9.00 am. Reports are coming in about long delays in Worcester city center. To make sure you arrive on time and are ready to compete in your event. Please see the map below which shows a route in blue which comes in from the west to miss the city centre road works. Good luck to all our students that are grading and competing this weekend, enjoy your weekend of Tae Kwon Do.
This weekend see’s the start of the April 2018 black belt grading process with the mock grading in Belper, Derbyshire. We have two students taking part and I would like to wish them the best of luck.
The details of the mock grading are below. Start time: 13.00 Please make sure you arrive there in plenty of time. Venue: Belper Leisure Centre, John O'Gaunts Way, Belper DE56 0DA.
If you are interested in the history of Tae Kwon Do, General Choi, Korean history or martial arts in general then this book is a great read.
Writen by Alex Gillis a investigative journalist who has trained in Tae Kwon Do for over 25 years, this book looks into the history and tales around Tae Kwon Do and how it all started. Sometimes I find people do the minimum theory for gradings and that’s it, it’s a real shame because the story of Tae Kwon Do is very interesting. If you are interested in buying this book to further your Tae Kwon Do knowledge please use the link below. “Obscure documents, Korean-language books, and in-depth interviews with tae kwon do pioneers tell the tale of the origin of the most popular martial art. In 1938, tae kwon do began at the end of a poker game in a tiny village in a remote corner of what is now North Korea by Choi Hong-Hi, who began the martial art, and his nemesis, Kim Un-Yong, who developed the Olympic style and became one of the most powerful, controversial men in sports. The story follows Choi from the 1938 poker game where he fought for his life, through high-class geisha houses where the art was named, and into the Vietnam War where the martial art evolved into a killing art. The techniques cut across all realms—from the late 1960s when tae kwon do–trained Korean CIA agents kidnapped people in the United States and Europe to the 1970s when Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, and other Hollywood stars mastered the art’s new kicks. Tae kwon do is also a martial art for the 21st century, one of merciless techniques, indomitable men, and justice pumped on steroids.” Students grading for their black belts in April are required to attend the following sessions.
Mock Grading Sunday 18th March, 1.00pm Belper Leisure Centre, John O'Gaunts Way, Belper DE56 0DA. Black Belt Pre Grading Training Sunday 8th April, 13.00 to 14.30 Belper Leisure Centre, John O'Gaunts Way, Belper DE56 0DA. Black Belt Pre Grading Training Sunday 15th April, 13.00 to 14.30 Derby Arena, Royal Way, Pride Pkwy, Derby DE24 8JB, UK The black belt grading will be held in Bristol on 20th, 21st & 22nd April. This years TAGB English Championships will be held at Worcester
Arena on Sunday 25th March 2018. There are divisions for everyone, Juniors, Cadets, Adults, Executives, Team Events and The Ultimate Striker. Entry forms can be downloaded from our Dropbox folder or see us at class for a copy. |
AuthorCarl Rudolf Archives
June 2024